Tour an in-depth experience of Canada 深度体验加拿大之旅
After a long period of practice and exploration, Sunmi Education has launched the best summer camps and local camp resources of the top private schools, and brought “2023 Canadian Parent-children” to Chinese families with children by “embedding in Canadian local children’s summer activities”. Our in-depth experience summer camp will provide you with a unique new experience of international study tour.
经过长期的实践探索,商米教育推出最优质的夏令营和l来自顶级民办学校的当地营地资源,通过“嵌入加拿大当地孩子暑期活动”的方式,为中国有孩子的家庭带去“2023加拿大亲子深度体验夏令营”, 我们的深度夏令营将为您提供独一无二的国际游学新体验。
Summer Camp Highlights 夏令营高光

Canadian native students 加拿大本土学生为主
More than 90% of Canadian local students ensure that international students and Canadian local students have the opportunity to fully integrate, and campers study and have fun with them.
More Experiential Learning Opportunities 更多体验式学习的机会
Shangmi Education designs different enrollment experiences for children of different ages, including top private schools, public schools, famous colleges and boarding families, and camps with various themes. Children will experience Canada from different angles. The charm of humanities, technology and sports.
尚米教育为不同年龄段的孩子设计不同的入学体验,包括顶级私校、公校、名校和寄宿家庭,以及各种主题的夏令营。 孩子们将从不同的角度体验加拿大人文、科技、体育的魅力。
Informative and entertaining 兼备知识性和趣味性
All project content is designed by a professional team and taught by local Western teachers. Through integration/interaction/exploration, you can tap your own potential and let you experience an international study tour experience that is very different from traditional summer camps.
所有项目内容均由专业团队设计,并由本地教师授课。 通过融合/互动/探索,挖掘自身潜能,让你体验与传统夏令营截然不同的国际游学体验。
Professional educational team 专业教学团队,特色家长课堂,带娃考察两不误
The senior professional team of Sunmi Education in various fields also brought a series of relevant knowledge lectures for parents to land in Canada, so as to prepare and pave the way for you to land in Canada.
Enriching experience of cultural travel 文化旅行的震撼体验
Whether it is Toronto, which is famous for its cultural diversity, or Ottawa, which is one step at a time. Whether it is a national park where you can stop anywhere or the magnificent Niagara Falls, this parent-child time will become a memory worth cherishing forever.
Our Camp Introduction 我们的营地介绍

Entrance experience of top private schools 顶级私校的入学体验
Excellent teachers from Canada’s top private school, Sheffield Strand Saran College, will allow children to experience high-quality Montessori education and put the seeds of active exploration rooted in the hearts of children.
来自加拿大顶级私立学校,谢菲尔德 . 斯特朗萨兰学院( Hillfield-Strathallan College) 的优秀师资,将让孩子们体验高品质的蒙特梭利教 育,把主动探索的种子根植在孩子心中。
Public School Admissions Experience 公立学校的入学体验
Canada’s most famous non-profit organization, YMCA, provides every child with a variety of project options and opportunities to get along with children from all over the world, so that they can truly experience the world’s big stage and cultural integration.

The rich experience of famous universities 名校的丰富体验
The themed summer camp hosted by McMaster University, one of the eight famous universities in Canada, allows children to experience the atmosphere of the university early. They will experience the charm of humanities, technology, sports, and harmony from different angles. The joy of networking with local peers.
ESL language training camp ESL 语言集训营
A structured ESL program that immerses children in a new culture will take on a variety of written and oral communication tasks, including writing activities. Case studies and role plays will teach students how to act and speak in a variety of situations. By the end of the program, ESL students will have improved their English skills and will have gained a basic understanding of the English language and culture.
系统化的 ESL 课程,让孩子们沉浸在一种新的文化中,将接受各种书面和口头沟通任务,包括写作活动。案例研究和角色扮演将教会学生如何在各种情况下行动和说话。到课程结束时,ESL 学生将提高他们的英语技能,并将获得对英语语言和文化的基本了解。

Senior English Training Camp 高年级英语集训营
One month program for 14-18 year olds from Canada and abroad. All students must complete an online English test. Based on the test results, each student will be placed into elementary, intermediate or advanced English courses. The program offers formal English instruction at all levels, as well as educational outings and seminars.
为来自加拿大和国外的 14-18 岁青少年提供为期一个月的计划。所有学生必须完成在线英语考试。根据测试结果,每个学生将被安排到初级,中级或高级英语课程。该课程提供各级的正式英语教学,还有教育郊游和研讨会。
Famous Attractions 著名景点特色介绍

Mega Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布
Starting from Toronto, follow the highway directly to Niagara Falls, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and enjoy the thrilling moment of watching the mighty waterfall.
从多伦多出发沿高速公路直达世界七大奇观之一的尼亚加拉大瀑布 (Niagara Falls), 观赏具万马奔腾气势般的大瀑布,享受那令人震撼心弦的一 刻。
Capitol Hill 国会山庄
Ottawa Parliament Hill is located on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. It is a symbol of Ottawa and even Canada as a whole. It consists of three Gothic buildings, divided into Central District, East District and West District. It is the current seat of the Canadian government and Senate. Ottawa’s Parliament Hill is the central symbol of Canada, with the maple leaf national flag fluttering in the wind on the clock tower.
渥太华国会山庄位于加拿大首都渥太华的国会山上,是渥太华乃至整个加拿大的象征, 它由三栋哥特式的建筑组成,分中央区、东区与西区,是目前加拿大政府及参议院的所在地。渥太华国会山庄更是加拿大的中心标志,钟楼上迎风飘扬的枫树叶国旗。它那庞大的建筑群,和平塔钟发出的甜美悦耳的音乐,皇家卫兵换岗时庄严肃穆的场面以及在眼前徐徐展开的历史画卷,都让每一个来访的游客为之所深深陶醉。

CN Tower 多伦多电视塔
Climb the CN Tower, the tallest Canadian National Tower in the Western Hemisphere, a Toronto landmark located in the heart of the city. Panoramic views of Lake Ontario and the city of Toronto from the tower.
University of Toronto 多伦多大学
The University of Toronto is a public federal research university and one of the top universities in Canada and the world. The main buildings of the main campus are located around Queen’s Park, adjacent to the Ontario Provincial Government and Parliament Buildings.

Casa Loma 卡萨罗马古堡
Casa Loma is a mock medieval castle built in the early 20th century by Canadian tycoon Sir Henry Perret. Completed in 1914, the 98-room castle was the largest private residence in Canada at the time.
卡萨罗马城堡(英语:Casa Loma)是是一座仿中世纪的城堡,由加拿大富翁亨利·佩雷特爵士于20世纪初建造。城堡于1914年建成,有98个房间,当时是加拿大最大的私人宅邸。
Ontario Science Museum 安大略科技馆
There are more than 650 interactive exhibitions and demonstrations, which are fun for adults and children alike. In addition, don’t forget to go to the only dome theater in Ontario to start an unforgettable journey of space exploration.
有超过六百五十项互动式展览和演示,有得玩有得试,大人小孩子一样开心。另外,别忘了去安省唯一的一家球幕立体影院 去展开一次令人难忘的宇宙探索之旅。

Schedule 行程安排

- (Junior Group) Kindergarten – 3rd grade students and parents (低龄组)幼儿园 – 3年级学生及家长
- Entrance experience of aristocratic private schools + admission experience of public schools + parents’ landing life experience + the shock of cultural travel
- 贵族私校的入学体验+公校的入学体验+家长落地生活体验+文化旅行的震撼
- (Primary) 4th – 6th grade students and their parents (小学组)4 – 6年纪学生及家长
- Entrance experience of aristocratic private schools + comprehensive immersion in universities + parents’ landing life experience + the shock of cultural travel
- 贵族私校的入学体验+大学的全面浸润+家长落地生活体验+文化旅行的震撼
- (Middle and high school group) Students and parents of grades 7-12 (初高中组)7 – 12 年级学生及家长
- Entrance experience of aristocratic private schools + comprehensive immersion in universities + personal experience of local host families + parents’ landing life experience + the shock of cultural travel
- 贵族私校的入学体验+大学的全面浸润+当地住宿家庭的亲身感受+家长落地生活体验+文化旅行的震撼
- (ESL language training camp ) 4th – 12th grade students and their parents (ESL 语言集训营)4 – 12 年级学生及家长
- Intensive ESL language training + personal experience of local host families + parents’ landing life experience + the shock of cultural travel
- 密集式ESL语言集训+当地住宿家庭的亲身感受+家长落地生活体验+文化旅行的震撼
- (Senior English Training Camp) Grades 9-12 and their parents (高年级英语集训营) 9 – 12 年级学生及家长
- One-month language and university preparatory courses + personal experience of local host families + parents’ landing life experience + the shock of cultural travel
- 为期一个月的语言及大学预科课程+当地住宿家庭的亲身感受+家长落地生活体验+文化旅行的震撼
Specific itinerary: Please pay attention to the official account to view the group itinerary 具体行程安排请关注公众号,查看分组行程安排