Duke College | McEducation

Duke College | McEducation

Tutoring for MFM1P and MPM1D Math Grade 9 (Applied and Academic )
About Course
This course is designed to give students a comprehensive study of the course offered in Ontario high school curriculum. The course emphasizes on common areas where students tend to struggle understanding, and includes many questions frequently asked in the classes.
Practices, Reviews and Practice Tests and a mock Exam are also included in this course.
Linear Systems
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials, Algebra, Linear Relations, Calculating Slope, Finding the Equation of a Line, Standard Form, Systems, Substitution, Elimination, Linear System Word Problems
Analytic Geometry
Pythagorean Theorem, Classifying Triangles and Quadrilateral, Distance Formula, Midpoint of a Line Segment, Shortest Distance form a Point to a Line, Median, Perpendicular Bisector, and Altitude, Circles
Quadratic Functions
Exponents Review, FOIL, Quadratics, Quadratic Formula, Converting Standard Form to Vertex Form, Transformations of Quadratics, Word Problems
Similar Triangles, Solving Right Triangles, Solving non-right Triangles
Class A: 60 min with 1 teacher per 4 student group lesson
Class B: 90 min with 1 teacher per 6 student group lesson