Hamilton: Maceducationcanada@gmail.com | (365) 356-8600 Toronto: Dukecollege8@gmail.com | (416) 839-0932

VIP Teaching
Duke College | McEducation
Hamilton: Maceducationcanada@gmail.com | (365) 356-8600 Toronto: Dukecollege8@gmail.com | (416) 839-0932

VIP Teaching
Duke College | McEducation

Mindstorm LEGO

About Course
This course is designed for young kids aged 10 years old & beyond
Course Content –
Free access to the software – LEGO
Free access to Education Maker (Design) Process
Periodic self-assessments
Additional notes and examples provided by the teacher
Material required for class:
MINDSTORM LEGO Education EV3 Core Set
Performance evaluations
Student worksheets for each in-class activity.