Duke College | McEducation

Duke College | McEducation


Enroll Today for our 2024-2025 Sessions
Our team of education professionals have collaborated to create these courses, ensuring that you can make the most of your learning experience. Enroll online today in our programs and enjoy discounts with our package offers.
Book a free, 15 minute demo for our offerings in Singapore Maths, English, Homework Help and The Arts. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about our offerings!
Showing all 5 results
Book a Free Demo Class
$0.00Free demonstration classes are available now! Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about our offerings for Singapore Maths, English,…
Singapore Maths
From: $40.00Singapore Math presents each math concept in three stages. Stage 1: Hands-on objects Stage 2: Pictures Stage 3: Written symbols…
English Reading and Writing (JK – Grade 9)
From: $40.00For students who: perform poorly on their essay writing try to write on their grade levels want to become a…
Art – Still Lives, Sightseeing & Landscaping
From: $40.00Our courses are designed to help students hone their artistic skills and create a portfolio that showcases their work. A…
Digital Art – Art Fundamentals & Anime Lessons
From: $40.00Learn figure drawing and art fundamentals such as line, perspective, form, light and colour and implement these core principles to…